樹の告白ー石の応答 Confession of Trees, Response of Stones


石、木、樹脂、ライト、鉄、布 / H6m×W4m×D12m / 台湾ランタンフェスティバル2020 in 台中 / 建築家の謝昆霖との共作 / 台中花博后里森林園区 / 台中、台湾 / 2020


Confession of Trees, Response of Stones

Stone, wood, resin, light, iron, cloth / H6m×W4m×D12m / Co-production : Architect Xie Keanu / Taiwan Lantern Festival 2020 in Taichung / Taichung Houli Forest Park / Taichung, Taiwan / 2020

I met the culture at the Tuniu Hakka Cultural Center. It was a trace of the faith that connects the stones and trees of Hakka culture. I will make stone light objects on the theme of Blue dragon stream, White tiger Road, Vermilion Bird Plaza, Black Tortoise Hill, arranged in four directions, from spatial modeling of Feng Shui. And I will connect four stone light objects and four kinds plants.
The shadows of the trees will be reflected in the dome and the light of the stones express the culture of ancient lands where trees and stones are responsive.
